@echo off setlocal set "CURR_DIR=%CD%" set "BUILD_TYPE=%1" if "%BUILD_TYPE%"=="" set "BUILD_TYPE=Release" md build\wasm 2>nul if not exist build\emsdk ( git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git build\emsdk ) rem Check for Ninja binary pushd build\wasm if not exist "ninja.exe" ( rem Install Ninja curl -L https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.11.1/ninja-win.zip -o ninja.zip tar -xzvf ninja.zip del ninja.zip ) rem must setup PATH for ninja first to avoid conflict with emsdk_env.bat set PATH="%PATH%;%cd%" popd pushd build\emsdk rem git pull call emsdk.bat install 3.0.0 call emsdk.bat activate 3.0.0 call emsdk_env.bat popd pushd build\wasm call emcmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%BUILD_TYPE% ..\.. ninja.exe -f build.ninja -j 3 set "TARGET_FILES=KgmLegacy.js KgmWasm.js KgmWasm.wasm KgmWasmBundle.js %CURR_DIR%\LICENSE.txt" for %%f in (%TARGET_FILES%) do ( copy "%%f" "%CURR_DIR%\npm" ) popd endlocal