fix(QMCv2): cipher should determine by key size #214

ix64 merged 1 commits from fix/qmc-cipher into master 2021-12-18 14:32:29 +00:00
ix64 commented 2021-12-18 14:31:57 +00:00 (Migrated from
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github-actions[bot] commented 2021-12-18 14:33:27 +00:00 (Migrated from

Coverage report

Category Percentage Covered / Total
🔴 Statements 54.55% 228/418
🔴 Branches 27.49% 47/171
🔴 Functions 50.98% 26/51
🔴 Lines 54.88% 208/379

Test suite run success

14 tests passing in 4 suites.

Report generated by 🧪jest coverage report action from dba63f212c

<!-- jest coverage report action for options with hash 11b8a2ca89bfaeea09600f9f64cf2c01 --> ## Coverage report | <div title="Status of coverage: 🟢 - ok, 🟡 - slightly more than threshold, 🔴 - under the threshold">St.<sup>:grey_question:</sup></div> | Category | Percentage | Covered / Total | | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------- | :--------- | :-------------: | | 🔴 | Statements | 54.55% | 228/418 | | 🔴 | Branches | 27.49% | 47/171 | | 🔴 | Functions | 50.98% | 26/51 | | 🔴 | Lines | 54.88% | 208/379 | # Test suite run success ## 14 tests passing in 4 suites. <p align="right">Report generated by <a href="">🧪jest coverage report action</a> from dba63f212cbf9351e5dc16870eb32ae582db2867</p>
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